June 18, 2019 – Pam Blakeman and Akasha Atherton

Blakeman has lived in Port Angeles for 40 years. She says, “4 years ago I discovered the Story People and attended their workshops. I see the power of stories as a unique way to communicate and awaken thinking. Some of my stories are serious, many are funny, some have music woven in, but most of my stories are mostly true. I draw from childhood years at the beach house, 40 working years as an RN, boating adventures, and bible stories.” Getting stuck, Dad’s passing.

Akasha Atherton began keeping stories in her pocket at a young age, when people started asking her variations on, “What kind of name is that?” She says, “Life has been a series of strange events ever since– events that often beg at least a little bit of explanation.” Her stories point out things other people seem to miss. More often than not, she really just wants to verify that someone else is seeing it, too. She loves that moment when the audience lights up in recognition because they’re thinking about similar thing that happened to them. She will share stories from the many years of experiences that stemmed from the seemingly innocuous event of getting talked into going to summer camp.
These days, Akasha focuses her constantly searching mind by writing a lot of letters and postcards to friends old and new. Not only has the practice dredged up decades of memories ripe with stage and page material, but it prompts her loved ones who write back to consider their own stories.
After a short refreshment break, there is an open mic session for anyone to step up and share a short tale.