Story Work sessions look like this:
- Tellers sign up in advance for the opportunity to share all or part of a story, no more than 8 minutes in length. Slots are filled on a first come, first served basis.
- After sharing the story, teller asks listeners for feedback desired. This can be anything from “tell me what you think of…” to “No feedback for me! I just want to say it out loud for the first time.”
- We host a maximum of seven tellers in the evening, plus two alternates – should someone not show, or if there is extra time.
- This is NOT a performance! All story listeners welcome.
Interested? Email clallamstorypeople@gmail.com. We will make sure you receive the Zoom invitation.
Questions? Contact Ingrid Nixon at clallamstorypeople@gmail.com
Hosted by Story People of Clallam County, & South Sound Story Guild