Stories for Families with Children aged 7 to 11

Family Story event flyer
Our Festival is not just for grown-ups!

Kids are hungry for stories! Stories help kids’ brains develop. Dennis Duncan has been a beloved storyteller in Port Angeles schools for 19 years since his retirement as a classroom teacher. He tells timeless tales that countless generations of children have grown up with, enduring tales that speak the language that children understand.

Adults will NOT be bored! You too will be on the edge of your seat to hear how the story turns out… how the hero escapes the evil witch, or solves the problem that has stumped the king and all his most brilliant advisers! Everyone loves a good story.

These stories discuss real life dilemmas of right and wrong, cause and effect. Kids “soak in the stories.” The storyteller gives kids the kind of quality time you would expect from a member of your own family. The stories and the storyteller spark questions in their young minds.
